S:1E10 - "Dream'mare"

On the set of Sea-Doo - Cape Town, South Africa. Having fun with Photoshop and Jeremy Irons. Definition of my invented word Dream'mare - noun - a present tense word of living a dream and a nightmare concurrently. Way different from rags to riches to rags again which is sequential. In early 2006, I was shooting a web film called Harbour Towne for Sea-Doo. We shot on the Sony backlot and Lake Puddingstone in San Dimas. Prior to that film for Sea-Doo, we shot one in Cape Town, South Africa. The agency begged me to please produce Harbour Towne and I finally agreed, most likely because they appealed to my ego. So, on a support boat in Lake Puddingstone was me, the client, 2 agency creative types and Karen, our scripty and an awesomely cool person. We got bored and played all types of games, and just like two dudes throwing a football an ever increasing distance, we continued to push further and further into more risqué games. Stuff like Dirty Sanchez and who had sex with someone your m...