S2:E2 - To Live and Die in LA, or Not
Truth in Barstow, CA The upsides to having ALS are few, however I do enjoy them and make the most of it. Some of these are; being part of a tribe of ALS warriors, having the privilege of helping others navigate the journey, whisking through airports and other establishments, learning how much I am loved and how many people in my world have big hearts and are not afraid of expressing themselves. The downsides of having ALS; everything else! My mind is fully aware that my body is crumbling and turning into fossil dust. For 20+ years I would wake up and pray and promise myself that I would stay sober just for today. I have added a few more prayers and promises to that morning ritual. I pray for the willingness to be inspirational, positive and a badass influence to my fellow ALS'ers, no matter what. The idea of being of service to my fellow sufferers makes that morning decision, a non decision. Mari wore flips to mitigate height differential. That's amoré. My wife i...